Archive for bush


Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , on March 30, 2009 by ilovefootball9

Obama is Systematically Destroying America

In this blog I read, it talked about how Americans are blind to Obama and how he is destroying America.

It’s true. Americans are blinded by his “good deeds” and his nonsense about how he is going to “change” things. When really, he’s setting up our country for failure. “50% of their life savings and 30% of their home values have already evaporated into thin air. National unemployment is driving towards double digits as home foreclosures continue to mound.” (Blog) People have allowed themselves to believe whatever Obama says, the media, and the journalists who put Obama in the lime light. They have entered into a state of total dependence on the government and whatever the government says or does because of this one man. When Bush was President, all the media and news journalists did was scrutinize his every move, making him seem like a “secretive” president, and that he was not helping our country. It is baffling to see how people can look the other way and just allow Obama to seem like a king on a high pedestal. That he is our “savior from our failing economy” the one who will end all this and “change America.” No one seems to notice Obama’s ridiculous and demeaning comments about the Special Olympics. Or even the fact that in the first sixty days of his presidency he increased the national debt from $3 trillion to $4 trillion.

Yes, I believe that Obama truly does want to better our Country. But he is not fit to run our country. I want to better our country, my family wants to better our country, anyone who is an average Patriotic American wants to better our country. But are we fit to run an administration that will make decisions that will carry out to actually change our country? No. But, those who are in Politics and who have the experience and qualifications to run a Presidential Administration are fit to run our nation. Obama has shown no experience except less than one term as a senator. That is overwhelmingly devastating. We elected a president who has good speaking capabilities and a way with words to persuade the American public, without realizing he was completely unqualified. We need to realize the destruction that could come out of this presidential term, and that even though he may want to better our country, he’s not proving to make the changes to do so. He is surrounding himself with the wrong decision-makers which makes it even worse for our country. We need to get out of this economic crisis with a president who is capable of leading our country.

The War in Iraq, and why its not a lost cause.

Posted in Politics with tags , , on November 18, 2008 by usaywhat710

Most people have really forgotten about the war, and why it’s being fought. that’s kind of tragic, considering the lives lost on 9/11, and how our war on terror is basically the only thing stopping a group of people sworn to destroy and kill us, the infidels. Earlier this week, a bomb went off in a Baghdad marketplace. it killed four people, a small number compared to the total deaths, but it still shows, Al Queda and terrorists have not forgotten about us, we’re just stopping them now.

Pulling out of iraq any time before a secure, militarily capable government is on its feet would be an utter threat to America. this war is still important, it’s still worth fighting, and America has forgotten the pain and insecurity we felt on 9/11, when not one, but two planes crashed into major centers of commerce, and symbols of America’s power, and then another plane came crashing down into the Pentagon, our source of inteligence, a major government/military headquarter, or how brave Americans fought to bring down a fourth plane, aimed again at our government, and our security. As it was in Vietnam, we are proving; a war cannot be waged when the people are not backing it. We can’t ever forget what we’re up against, or what stirred us to launch the War on Terror.


(i would also like to point out that it was Bill Clinton’s CIA that gave Bush the intelligence that there were WMD’s in Iraq, but that’s beside the point, i don’t think we can blame our president for the war, he’s actually done a good job with the situation he’s been handed)